The Lord is using committed leaders through prayer and fasting, evangelism along with a lot of personal sacrifices. Leadership training is vitally important to the success of our ministry. 90% of our pastors are not college trained. However, we continue to provide pastoral conferences on a regular basis every year to ensure our leaders understand the bible for themselves in order to share God’s word with the people who God has placed under their leadership. Last year we had a pastors’ conference with 400 leaders from everywhere in Haiti. The leaders called the conference “a wonder.” One leader who traveled many miles to attend the conference said, "I just had solid food both for my body and for my soul." We are doing our very best to equip leaders so they can fight and stand firm against the schemes of the evil one.
However, we need your help. Your continued support will help not only sustain JBM, but more importantly, ensure a successful future for the ministry. If you’d like to financially support our leadership training, please contact us by clicking here. Donate to support our Pastors’ Conference.